Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 3, Mini Birthday Celebration & Game Night

So I didn't get to post this yesterday...we had a busy evening and I remembered it this morning and thought, "Oh, no I failed." However, I've not given up - I'm here still trying and here is the picture for day 3.

"Laundry, where Mom Dad hangs out"

Yes, I will admit it. David does the laundry in our house. I will also admit that he is much better at it than I. He can wash it, dry it, fold it, and have it ready for us to put away all in one day! Genius. He's just awesome like that. He can even get stains out and does not dye things, pink, yellow, or black. Yes, I've dyed many items. He deploys sometimes and well I get stuck with laundry's generally not pretty! The kids call me the laundry monster. I should probably be ashamed at my lack of skills in the laundry department, but I am not. The good Lord knew all about me and therefore provided me with a husband that is the perfect fit.

What makes me smile is my children's sense of humor. You see for Christmas Brier got David a laundry basket. When I asked the kids what we should get him, they rattled off things I already had, and got quiet. I informed them they were not helping much. Then Brier came up with a brilliant plan. "A Laundry Basket". Why? "Because Dad is always doing the laundry, so he must like it!" and the second part of the plan, "we can put all his presents inside it and then wrap it up." It was great!

During Christmas break the kids and I were on base shopping. As were were leaving, we walked by a shop and hanging on a hook outside the door was this sign, "Laundry, where Mom hangs out". Ashlynn immediately says, "We should get Dad that for his birthday! It could go with his laundry basket! We can take a marker, cross out Mom, and write in Dad." Needless to say, that is just what we did! I had to buy a whole package of sharpies just to get a brown one! It was worth it!

David will celebrate his 38th birthday this Sunday. The kids gave him his gifts early, as we had friends over and they wanted them to see what they got him. We all had a good laugh. David also got a new tool box that has made him squeal with delight.

Happy Birthday, Honey! We love you! and we love that you take such great care of our laundry - heaven forbid the monster be in charge!


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