Thursday, October 29, 2009

Post 172: The Bookworm

It's official, we've a 3rd bookworm in this house! I believe I've mentioned it a time or two - how much my daughter loves to read. It is highly unusual to see her without a book in hand. I love taking pictures of her reading - I've no idea why, but I do. It gives me great joy to see her on another book adventure.On Tuesday we went wondering around New market. We stopped in Tyndall's, WH Smith, Moons, and had lunch at Pizza Express. We found nothing in Tyndall's that she wanted to spend her money on - they've a wonderful art section! WH Smith did not have the book she wanted. Moons had some fun stuff that she decided to purchase
...and Pizza Express was as tasty as usual! If you ever get the chance to eat at a Pizza Express make sure you ask for "dough balls" they are the best!

Then we went to Capture the Magic (scrapbook store) to see what shades of cream card stock they might have for some wedding invitations that I am working on. We found some Christmas Tree things that we are going to decorate together - I'll post finished photos soon.
After that we went home - nice day out.
Yesterday, we decided to go to Ely to see if the WH Smith there might have the book Ashlynn so desired...sadly they did not. Yet, she still had this 10 pound gift card to she browsed the books to find 1 other book that she'd been on pins and needles waiting for it to come out! So she purchased book #2 of the Seekers series by Erin Hunter, along with a book called Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo. However, WH Smith had a deal going if you bought a book by Michael Morpurgo you could get a 2nd 1/2 off, so instead of wasting that I let her grab one more; The Butterfly Lion. She still really wanted The Secret Garden though and I knew of a little bookshop in Ely that might have it. It was the same little bookshop David & I stumbled on before her birthday and purchased her 4 books there! 3 Horrible Histories and Victorian Ghost Stories.
You should have seen her face light up when we walked in - books everywhere - you'd have thought she was in heaven. I'm positive that we could have spent hours browsing the books. I remember when we were in Ohio and we'd go down to the Library...we'd spend 1/2 the morning there. We loved the Tipp City Library. Anyway, we asked right away if they had The Secret Garden. The lady went right to it, pulled it off the shelf, and handed it to her. And so she spent her last 5 pounds.Now, she has 8 brand-new all the ones that are already on her bookshelf. The entire Nancy Drew Series, Little House on the Prairie series, her Animorphs books, her joke books, and several others!
I went into her room to take these few pictures...the girl has books everywhere! This is the pile of books on the shelf next to her bed...
I still say someday - when David retires and we settle into a home for good that we will have our own personal library within our home - in which our children, grand-children, and of course us may turn to time and time again for our favorite books.
I can see the whole room in my head, lined with shelves and bay windows, a cozy fire place, comfy chairs/couches, and a really cool rug. It will be a wonderful, well used room, and it will smell of nothing more than books! Maybe we will even have our own counter with coffee and drinks...our own little Barnes & Noble! Yes, we are a family of bookworms...and I'm very proud of that!
So to all the amazing authors out there - thank you for providing my family hours of endless entertainment and helping us to stretch our imaginations...and according to my daughter "fly in our dreams". Thank you.
Have a wonderful day.


Alice in Wonderland said...

I love books...and I love W.S. Smiths and Waterstones for books! I also love all the crafty things that you find in totally unexpected stores too! I have that polystyrene Cat and the Christmas Trees that I decorate myself, especially since you can get them in different sizes and group together!
I'm just a big kid...and I'm still wondering what I want to do when I grow up!

Heather said...

Of course you know that I love to read as well...It's one of those many things we have in common. Anyway, I have had a blast looking for books for myself, for school and for my sister in law here in the last couple of weeks.
If you want to really supply her with alot of books for cheap. you can download to your computer a ton of books from, and google books. They are the classics, and nothing new, but still it's a great resource, should she ever run out of reading material!!

Lacey said...

I have that same Secret Garden version. Thats wonderful to have a reader for a child. No matter where she is she can go anywhere she wants.

roadrunner201 said...

As a former English teacher, it gives me great joy to see any young person enjoy reading!

For the life of me I can not remember if I stopped by to thank you for stopping by my blog. (Uh, what? Redundant much?)

Anita said...

Your book shelves look like ours! Two of my three daughters love to read. I'm hoping the third one will hop on board soon. I think she's headed in that direction. :)

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