Friday, July 3, 2009

Post 150: Updates & Writing

First off let me update you on Jim. He is off the ventilator and has been moved out of ICU - that does not mean that he is doing better, they are simply trying to give him the freedom of having a few more visitors and not at such restricted times. They are keeping him comfortable and trying to keep his pain managed.

David, sat with him most of yesterday and from what he has said, Jim just looks horrible. Jim is really swollen and his skin is so paper thin, that they have to be very careful with him or it rips and then he bleeds all over the place. Sometimes it's really difficult to sit in there and David has to just step out for a few minutes.

I think Jim is really glad to have David there - even though he may not be able to say. I guess talking is not really easy for him because he is so weak, but he does say a few things here and there and apparently the other day he told the nurse (pardon the language) that "he is tired of this shit". I honestly can't blame him. I would be very tried of it too. He has been in there since April and I know he is tired. 5 surgeries in 3 months and fighting the good fight the whole time - I don't know that I could do it. Jim is definitely a tough old bird :)

So if you could continue to pray for him, we would all really appreciate it.

Now, on to my next topic - WRITING.

I write all the time, whether I'm blogging, emailing, or simply writing a story or a poem - I'm always writing. I've been that way since I was about 8, as far as I can remember anyway. I have a friend out here, you've heard me mention her a time or two now named Amanda. She writes a weekly column for a newspaper on Robins Air Force Base. This weeks column "Clip coupons to support troops"

I read her column this morning and well it is no different than what I do when I blog really. If I had; had the same experience as she at the commissary with her British friend what would I have done? I'd have blogged about it, like I do everything we experience here in England and I don't get paid for it.

Now, I do not have the journalism degree that Amanda does, but I do know that newspapers hire freelance writers all the time. Wouldn't it be great if someone wanted to publish something I wrote or if I were offered some time of column to write? I think it would - thing is I've no clue how to go about it. Yes, I can ask Amanda and I'm sure she'd be a great help.

It just amazes me though that she is simply writing about her everyday life and getting paid for it. I do that all the time and do not get paid for it. No, I don't wish to be a reporter, but I wouldn't mind having a column of some sort. I think that would be rather nice.

I may have to learn not to write as much - if you read Amanda's column you can see that it's not as wordy like I tend to get, but to each writer her own, right? I think I'm going to have to pursue this avenue and see where it leads.

So if you've any advice or ideas - give me a shout, okay? And yes, I'll be asking Amanda. We are going to see Alice & Wonderland tonight with the kids - it's some sort of live performance I guess. I'll blog about it when I know more, you know me :)

Alright, well other than that the only thing going on here in England is housework with a sprained ankle! How I sprained it, still don't know - just know it is highly frustrating to me. I've too much stuff to do to deal with a sprained ankle and it's really throwing off my daily routine.

Oh well, better behave I guess so that it will be better by the time my Mom gets here! In just 13 more days!!! I can't believe! I'm so excited, I can't wait to see her. We are going to have a blast and I'm going to have so very much to blog about. I've booked us 2 coach tours and Dirty Dancing tickets. Plus we have castles and cathedrals to see! I can't wait to show her a little bit of England, I know she is just going to love it.

OH and I almost forgot - it's been a HEAT WAVE in England, crazy uh? 80 degrees is a heat wave, but I do have to tell you it has been HOT! 70-80 in the states is nothing, but here it's really something and it is really hot. I don't know if I'll ever get used to places having different types of heat haha. You don't believe all that talk about different types of heat until you experience it and believe me I have.

"UK to 'freshen up' as heat wave ends" Just take a read. :)

I thought one of my British friends was silly when she told me it was going to be a "heat wave" and she told me all the shops would be sold out of fans! She was 100% correct. I bought 1 fan and I went back yesterday to buy 2 small fans for the kids rooms - the store was completely sold out! I can now honestly say I have experienced my first every heat wave!

Hope some of you are enjoying some sunshine - it does look to be cooling off here, and for as much as I like the sun; I could use a few days break from it. The evenings have been so nice. It cools off around 7 and you just want to sit outside and chat or read or something to enjoy it. Today it is 72 degrees and breezy - it feels wonderful!


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