Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Post 141: Day 3

Well, we are surviving here. I heard from David, Monday night - he was still traveling. I don't know when I'll hear from him again, but it was nice to have that. I didn't let the kids know I was IMing him because I knew he was tired and didn't have the web cam stuff up - since he is still traveling. I did tell them that I'd heard from him though and that seemed to make them feel good.

The kids went back to school yesterday and even though I believe that them being in school for most of this deployment will help - they still come home and ask things. I got one question from each of them last night - nothing major. Brier wanted to know if he could play the computer and I said he could. A little while later he said, "Can I talk to Daddy now?" to which I replied, "Well, no Buddy you can't cause we don't know where Daddy is right now and as soon as he contacts us I'll make sure you get to talk to him." Several hours later, probably about 8:30 or so Ashlynn asked, "Can I get online and see if Daddy is on?" to which I replied, "You can see Babe, but I doubt he is on yet."

Other than that, they didn't really ask anything other than, "Are we having dinner tonight?" :-) I don't cook as much when David is gone. We do alot of frozen dinners, mac-n-cheese, Ramon noodles, hot dogs, pizza, tacos, and once in a while we'll cook spaghetti, chicken alfredo, or hamburger helper. We just kinda fend for ourselves. I ask them what kind of stuff they'd like to eat and that's what I get. I don't see the reason in cooking a meal if only 2 of us eat it. Know what I mean?

We spent some more time on the WII FIT yesterday - that thing is alot of fun. We can't wait til David gets back and tries it out. I think we may video that! My WII FIT age went down to 42 yesterday - so that's good I guess....I might get to my actually age by the time David returns haha. Ashlynn gets on it and beats the goal I set - so then I have to get on it and beat about a work out! My feet are so sore today from standing on the balls of my feet trying to beat her at this bubble balance game. I did it though! She's got work to do :-)

We are also pretty lazy when David is gone, but thankfully we've not trashed the house yet. I make them pick up there stuff out of the living room each night before we go to bed and yesterday I asked them to clean their rooms and they did it! SHOCK! Ashlynn even through stuff away! I thought I was going to have a heart attack, she never throws things away! It's a whole new break through! So now that I can see their floors I need to vacuum them.

The kitchen is not 100% - but when is it? :-) I have to clean it up tonight, because I'll have to set the trash out - I should probably set a reminder on my yahoo about that - I'll forget at least once or twice while David is gone. I'm sure of it! I will also have to take the recycling to the recycling center - I do not look forward to that. I don't know why - I just don't.

The kids will have a break near what we Americans call Memorial Day Weekend. So we are going to work together and give the house a good deep clean, bathrooms, baseboards, dusting, and all that nonsense that takes forever. Then we are going to plan a couple of day trips I think - I think I might take them to the beach if we have a warm day. Brier will also turn '7' over the break, so we'll have to have cake and probably ice cream. I don't keep ice cream in the house - British freezer is WAY too small.

I think in July before my Mom comes I may hire someone to come clean the carpets. Maybe Lady will be done with this massive shedding by then. And since we're talking about Lady - let me tell you what she did! We recently had her spayed - one heat season was enough for me! Anyway, she had to wear this horrid cone on her head for 10 days, to keep her from messing with her stitches.
Well, during that 10 days, things seemed to get matted up at the base of the cone. So when we took it off and gave her back her freedom she went mad scratching at her neck! It was looking so gross and so painful - see: So I called the Vet yesterday morning because Lady just kept scratching it and had also made the spot on her leg where they'd put the IV just as raw. So they asked me to bring her in and I did. They shaved some of the hair off around the wound she created on her neck and gave her a steroid shot to stop the itching. They said if she continues to scratch it to take some old socks and put them on her back feet! Thankfully, I've not had to do that yet. They also gave her antibiotic to keep her from getting an infection. So been feeding her hot dogs loaded with pills lately. I just hope she gets better and leaves it alone - it's look better now see:So hopefully she'll have fur in these locations again soon. I did bandage her leg -because she just kept at it. I just can't believe that she did this to herself. I hope she never does it again and I will be very glad when it is all healed and I can take her to the groomer! She stinks and she sleeps with me! She hogs the bed too, rotten girl. At least she keeps me feet warm.
Speaking of feet - that's the number one thing I miss. When David and I go to bed at night, our feet are always touching. So last night when I went to bed, on those freezing sheets, after I finally warmed up and stretched my leg out - there was no warm foot to touch - but a dogs head instead! It's just not the same.

I sighed and rolled over on to his pillow to the one thing that makes me feel like he is here - his scent. This may sound gross, but I won't change his pillow case until the scent is gone or until right before he returns. For some it might would make them cry, but for me it keeps me grounded. It's like I've rolled over and laid my head on his chest - instead of a pillow - and then I can sleep.

I didn't stay up as late last night - thankfully - tonight I've got to go to bed when the kids do - catch up on my sleep. The weekend is going to be busy. Brier is going to a sleep over, Ashlynn & I are doing the craft fair, and who knows what else we will do. There's a festival also going on and I'm sure we will spend a few hours at it as well. So I'd better go to bed on time tonight.

Well, I just thought I'd let you all know we're managing. I need to get back to making things for the craft fair, but I'll write again soon. Please continue to pray for David.

1 comment:

Amber said...

hugs to ya hun mines not been sent to war but hes been gone and gone alot in the last 8 months more then im used to so in a way i can feel you ! its not no fun havin them gone and that cold bed at night bites ! Good luck at your craft fair this weekend

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