Thursday, April 23, 2009

Post 137: Venice, Day 1.

I’ve sat here wondering how to go about telling you all about our trip to Italy and I know I’m going to have to do it, day by day, or the blog will be extremely too long…unless you love to read. So to be nice we will start with day 1.

Before we left I made travel journals for all of us, to help us remember things and to help my children with their writing over the break. So to tell you about our trip…I’m going to use the journals. I hope you enjoy reading about our trip from all 4 of our perspectives.

Venice: Day 1. By: Brier

First we woke up early in the morning and got in our care and drove to the airport. We got out, walked in the freezing cold and went to zone J. Put our suitcases through the escalator. We went through a little fat line and put our suitcases on the thing that puts your suitcases on the airplane. Then we got in the line and go on the airplane, it took awhile but we got there. Then we got on the airplane. It took about an hour in the airplane. I played my game boy then I opened my window there was mountains with snowy tops. Then we stopped and got our suitcase and walked out the door and go on a bus and went to the back and it had five seats. Got on a water bus, it took three hours. Then we walked and it took 4 hour, then we got to the hotel took. Then it was night time. I got to sleep good.

Venice: Day 1. By: Ashlynn

Talk about motion sickness! Never, ever, go from car, to plane, to bus, to boat. I slept for 4 hours and 25 minutes. I think the best part was when we got some awesome pizza! It was hilarious when Brie’s cheese from a different slice than the one he was eating, wouldn’t come off! The bad thing is our hotel room is small! But we are in Italy! I’m just glad we made it her safely.

Venice: Day 1. By: David

We traveled to Venice, Italy, leaving the house at 4 a.m. The plan departing at 6:30 a.m. and landed an hour later. We got on a bus from the airport to the city center, then got on a water bus to Lido Island. We ended up getting on the slow boat that went all the way through the Grand Canal. We finally arrived in our room in time for a “siesta”. We looked around Lido Island a little before turning in for the night.
Best Moment: Riding the water bus through the Gran Canal in Venice.
Worst Moment: Walking 1 ½ miles to our hotel, carrying our luggage, just to find that we could have ridden the bus right to the door. Sleeping with Brier in between me and Tonya.
Funniest Moment: trying to squeeze into the narrow bathtub because the shower was to short.
Thankful For: a safe, stress free trip to Venice, Italy.

Venice: Day 1. By: Tonya

We left our England home some where around 4 a.m. to get to the airport. Our flight left at 6:30 a.m. Flying Ryan Air was a unique experience. Instead of walking out the gate onto the plane, we walked out the gate onto the Flight Line right up to our plane! We climbed the stairs to board the plane. David and Brier sat in front of me and Ashlynn. They slept and Ash & I read books. I was feeling nauseous & had a headache so I couldn’t sleep. I assumed it was from not eating anything yet and I’d taken a couple Tylenol before we left. We flew over what we believed to be the Swiss Alps? They are majestic. Brier wanted to go to the mountains the moment he saw them. I wonder if he will always like the mountains. He was born in Utah, but he was 3 when we moved, so I don’t know if he remembers the mountains or if some where in the back of his mind he will just always have a fondness of them, like Ashlynn does with Missouri, where she was born. When we landed in Italy we went through customs – we now have stamps on our passports! Then we went & got tickets for the bus to take us into Venice. Before we got on the bus we ate some PB&J sandwiches that we’d packed and here I had a Pepsi. So I didn’t quiet make it through the lent season without Pepsi – but I would have if there had been Sprite or something that I was familiar with. Anyway, we got on the bus & rode to a location in Venice when we got onto a “waterbus”. What is a water bus? It is a boat with seats in it, just like a bus would have. The kids enjoyed it and I don’t think that Ashlynn can officially say that she doesn’t like boats anymore! We rode the waterbus to Lido Island – where we were staying in Venice. We got this hotel recommendation from Lydia. I really liked the hotel; however we should have reserved a room for 4 instead of 3. I thought from what Lydia had said that 3 were okay and there would probably be a cot, a small bed, and a bigger bed. Well there was no cot! There was 1 small bed and 1 large bed. The small is what we would call a twin – the large, 2 twins put together. Anyway – it was very cozy and Lydia was right – it was quiet! After we’d walked the mile or so up to the hotel (should have taken the bus), we were all tired. So the kids & I laid down & David went to get bus/train info. He had no luck because it was “siesta” time. The place closes from like 1-4 to nap apparently. So he came back and took a nap too. By the time we were all up – we ventured out for some travel info & food. We got train tickets for Rome & Florence & our waterbus tickets also worked on the regular buses as well. We found a pizzeria – that was really good. The kids really enjoyed it. After that we pretty much called it a day. We stopped at the Tabacci Shop for some drinks and returned to our room. It was peaceful. We slept with the windows open and awoke to the birds singing and music coming from some where. Funny thing is the song being played in the distance was Boyz 2 Men and it was in ENGLISH!!!

Day 2 coming soon...please read my book review of the Twlight Series here and the recap of being 28 here.

Have wonderful day!



Please keep David's Uncle Eugene in your prayers. He had a heartattack and they have put a stint in. I'll update when I know more.

Please keep David's Step-Dad Jim in your prayers as well. He is having his colon removed tomorrow. They are on their way to the hospital now. Please pray for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery.

Thank you!


Megan said...

I love that you give every family member's perspective!

That Crazy Ajumma said...

I enjoyed reading everyones version of the first day.The kids make me giggle.
I enjoyed the pictures of the first day!
I've said a special prayer for your family memmbers,I hope everything turns out ok.

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